Submissiom to Wierd Game Jam.

Earth is under attack from an advanced alien race of Trumpoids led by Trump AI. Go into battle with our heroes Elon Musk, Hitler, Stalin, News Anchor from North Korean Television and many others.


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absolute cinema of a game

edit: i donated woohoo


Thank you for the donation and review. I really appreciate it and it means a lot to me.

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Best HTML game 

Bet HTML game on the Earth and Trumpoid combine.

Thank you. I appreciate.

Nice one comrade. Got my kitties  ('-')7


Thank you for the kitties comrade RU-N. What a nice surprise since the news anchor lady from North Korean television told me that I won't get them because I didn't show enough respect to the great leader.

Amazing stuff i cried when the trumpoid said "1001100110010101001010101011001100101000100011100110010010101001110101" and destroyed the planet Earth


And after that, when the Hacker Stalin types 01110001100111001100011110011010101010011 and restores the Earth and makes it a communist paradise.